Alarm panels with SOS buttons offer several benefits, especially for those who want increased security and peace of mind:

  • Faster Emergency Response: In an emergency situation, such as a medical incident, fire, or break-in, you can quickly summon help by pressing the SOS button. This can be crucial when seconds matter. Note: These systems are NOT intended replace commercially monitored and automatic response systems. 

  • Increased Independence: For elderly individuals or people living alone, an SOS alarm provides a sense of security and independence. Even if they cannot reach a phone or communicate verbally, they can still get help.

  • Peace of Mind for Family and Caregivers: Knowing that their loved ones have a way to call for assistance in an emergency can bring peace of mind to family members and caregivers.

  • Potential for 24/7 Monitoring: Some SOS buttons connect to a monitoring service that is staffed 24/7. Upon activation, the monitoring center can assess the situation, contact emergency responders if necessary, and notify designated contacts, see below under Monitoring Costs.

  • May Deter Crime: Intruders might be deterred by the presence of an alarm system with an SOS function, knowing that a quick and easy way to summon help exists.

Additional points to consider:

  • Ease of Use: SOS buttons should be easily accessible and simple to use, especially for those who may have limited mobility or dexterity.

  • False Alarms: Make sure you understand how to prevent accidental SOS activations to avoid unnecessary dispatches of emergency personnel.

  • Monitoring Costs: If your alarm system connects to a monitoring service, there might be additional monthly fees. Currently OHC Ltd does not connect these services as they are primarily installed for use within the family or similarly delegated individuals.

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